WECANDANCE and eat natural!
Last weekend the infamous WECANDANCE festival in Belgium took place. Not only did they have a 2-day killer line-up at an awesome beach location in Zeebrugge, but they also put emphasis on being green! Same as last year WECANDANCE collaborated with Disposables.bio to ensure that the guests were eating from the greenest disposable plates available.
Guests of the festival were treated to great food on the bagasse disposable plates from our Natural Tableware and Sucadrops line! Sucadrops disposable plates have been designed by Annelies Hermsen and have a natural elegance due to the drop-shaped look, and the disposable plates under the Natural Tableware label have a contemporary design for everyday use and look infinitely better than any plastic disposable available!
Did you get curious as to why these type of events love working with our products? Take a look at www.disposables.bio and find out!