Phasing out plastic!

We all know plastic bags cause environmental harm. Plastic bags account for much of the garbage waste in landfills. Plastic is not biodegradable but continues to break down over time into smaller and smaller parts. It’s a common misconception that plastic bags or bottles can be recycled into more of the same. But that’s not how it works. Recycling plastic is more like down-cycling and those bags and bottles require millions and millions of barrels of oil to manufacture.

Plastic bags find their way into our waterways and wildlife mistake the bags for food. Tragically this even happens to many endangered species off our beaches. Turtles, birds, fish and whales have been found to have ingested tons of plastic. And that’s on us! We can do better!

Eliminating plastic bags in our state is a big step in eliminating single-use plastic in our country and switching to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world for all of us!

Follow our mission; #phasingoutplastic!